Thursday, June 28, 2007

Enough Is Enough

Okay, that last post was not what I intended. I had a lovely Hawaiian photo all picked out with a funny caption to add some spice to my incredibly boring blogs. What happened to my photo? I don't know and folks - I don't think I care. I was going to try one more time but I think I'd rather walk across hot coals than try one more time. So, I'll just say, "Aloha."

1 comment:

folksnake said...

Aloha works for me!

I agree, Leslie--some things are a little tricky, and quite frustrating. I've tried to do a few things--like post a comment on someone's blog and include a hyperlink to another site, and it was like pulling teeth to get it just the way I wanted. I ended up doing it anyway, even though it wasn't quite right.

By the way--you cracked me up with that line about the name taking you half the day. I've done that, too. ;^)