This is my avatar. Okay, here's another dream - to be able to belly dance. I'm assuming my avatar is a belly dancer - I could be wrong. (Note: Avatar outfit and background are subject to change.) I checked out a 'how-to' video on belly dancing about a year ago. I found out, within the first 3 minutes of the video, that one needs to be in excellent physical shape to belly dance. Perhaps training for the 'Iron Man Triathlon' may help.
I definitely need to polish this post. I don't know why two images appeared. Anyone have suggestions for me?
if you login and go to the area where it lists your posts, you should be able to edit this post.
select the post you wish to edit and then click the "edit html" tab. you should see the code for your avatar listed twice and you can delete one of them.
if you need help, give me a call.
Finally, I was able to fix my avatar image. At first, I had two images; so I delted one. In deleting the second image, I inadvertently made a change to the URL. So, instead of clicking on the image and linking to the site, it linked to an empty page in blogger. With the help of my husband, I edited the html source with the proper URL for the avatar site.
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