Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Week 7, Thing 16: Wikis

Being a bibliophile, I took a look at 'Book Lovers Wiki' developed by the Princeton Public Library. Technically, I don't know how we would make it happen, but I think it would be a fantastic service if patrons could write their own reviews of the library materials they've read or used and be able to link to those reviews while searching our catalog. A Wiki sounds like a good tool to allow patrons the ability to share this kind of knowledge. I know when I'm searching for books at amazon.com, I like to read the public reviews, as well as, the professional ones. Also valuable would be the ability to connect to people who have similar reading tastes (similar to the service LibraryThing provides) as well as view a list of read-alikes... I could keep going as the possibilities seem endless.

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